Transhumanism - The End Game (2024)

Transhumanism - The End Game (1)

Intelligence is the ability to solve problems. From single-celled organisms looking for food to humans discovering how to fly to the moon, that’s intelligence. It’s not the same as consciousness. In humans, they are mixed together. Consciousness is the ability to feel things, pain, pleasure, love, hate. We, humans, sometimes use consciousness to solve problems, but it’s not an essential ingredient. Lots of organisms solve problems without having any consciousness, like plants and microorganisms. Machines, too, can be intelligent and solve problems without having any feelings.
Yuval Noah Harari


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My Substack friend and collaborator in Italy, Daniela Brassi, made this essay possible. Her posting about Laura Aboli’s speech, Transhumanism - The End Game, compelled me to share and expand this vital message. Daniela graciously supplied the full-length embedded video. More importantly, she worked so hard to compile the speech transcript. Bravo Daniela.

Please Visit Daniela

Executive Summary

Laura Aboli, formerly a private individual in London, has become a public figure. She is sharing her thoughts and opinions. She helped start World-Check, a database for risky people and groups. Later, she turned to art, music, dance, metaphysics, spirituality, health, and psychology. Aboli’s blog and videos inspire and uplift her audience. She emphasizes the beauty, strength, and resilience of the human spirit.

Aboli’s speech on Transhumanism - The End Game differentiates between two types of technologies. One type assists people with disabilities. The other type aims to transform humanity. She explores the Singularity, the ultimate transhumanist goal by Ray Kurzweil. In this future, humans and machines are indistinguishable. Aboli criticizes psychological conditioning. She blames cultural grooming, too. She believes they prepare society for a post-human future. She expresses worries about how humanity is being destabilized and demoralized. Different methods are being used to make this happen. These methods include destroying the nuclear family and promoting gender ideology.

Aboli argues that the transhumanist movement rejects God and spirituality. The movement seeks to convince people that technological enhancements are necessary for survival. She supports technology serving humanity, not replacing it. She highlights human qualities like empathy, compassion, courage, and love. Aboli warns against promises of immortality without suffering. She cautions that this may lead to digital immortality. It may also cause disconnection from the natural web of life. She urges humanity to reassess its path and embrace values like appreciation, humility, courage, truth, faith, and love. Aboli advises against pursuing a god-like status through technology.

Transhumanism - The End Game (2)

Laura Aboli, who is from London, England, used to be a private individual. Recently, she started sharing her thoughts and opinions with the public. She believes in the transformative power within each person. She initiated her blog and video creations. The overarching goal was to remind us of the profound beauty, strength, and resilience inherent in the human spirit.

In 2000, Laura Aboli co-founded World-Check, a database for high-risk individuals and organizations. This initiative became the standard for identifying and managing risks. It applies to the global financial and legal sectors.

Born into an artistic family, Aboli nurtures a deep passion for art, sculpture, music, and dance. Her natural inclination to be critical and curious has led her to explore metaphysics. Aboli has also delved into spirituality, health, and psychology. Laura’s work aims to inspire, motivate, and uplift her audience. She encourages introspection, fresh perspectives, and a positive outlook. Themes include health, love, spirituality, and more.

Transhumanism - The End Game

Laura Aboli delivered her Transhumanism - The End Game speech at the ‘Better Way Conference’ held by the World Council for Health earlier this year (2023).

The Video

In addition to the above-embedded video, I am pleased to include the transcript. I have taken the liberty of including hyperlinks to direct readers to associated content.

The Transcript

[Glad] to be here today to talk about what I believe is the most important topic of
our time. The title of my talk, “Transhumanism - The endgame,” probably gives away my take on the matter.

I’m not going to get into the technical aspects of Transhumanism, though I do believe that one of the problems we face – with regards to public understanding of the matter – is that it encompasses such a wide range of things.

And, we’ve seen some of them, from genetic engineering, implant technology, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, all the way to cybernetic prosthetics. Although all of these things fall under the transhumanist label, I think there’s a very important distinction to be made between technology that seeks to assist people with a disability – in order to regain a normal quality of life – and technology that seeks to transform us entirely.

The focus of my talk today will be on the ultimate transhumanist goal. What has been termed by Ray Kurzweil – one of the leaders of the movement – as the Singularity. In his book entitled The Singularity is Near – When Humans Transcend Biology, he writes:

There will be no distinction, post-Singularity, between human and machine, or between physical and virtual reality

It’s very important to understand that Transhumanism is simply the transitional stage between Humanism and Post-Humanism.

Make no mistake. The final goal is to eradicate humanity as we know it.

Once you understand the final destination, it becomes much easier to look back and identify the psychological conditioning, the biological tampering, the cultural grooming, and the educational prepping that we have been subjected to for decades, in preparation to making us accept a post-human future.

It takes a lot of physical and psychological abuse, to get an intelligent species like ours to agree to its own extinction. Most, if not all, that has transcended in the last 60 years was designed to get us closer to accepting such a dystopian reality. Whether you care to accept it or not, we live in a hyper-controlled Matrix, where our perception of reality is meticulously planned, managed, and executed in order to control and steer us, in whichever direction they wish. And the direction is: a post-human world.

For this, they first needed to destabilize, dehumanize, and demoralize humanity through every means possible:

  • the destruction of the nuclear family

  • children being indoctrinated by the State

  • abortion

  • the eradication of God and spirituality from education

  • life in megacities and away from Nature

  • toxic food, air, and water

  • social media replacing real human connection and interaction

  • engineered financial crisis and taxation

  • endless wars and massive migration

  • stress

  • anxiety

  • depression

  • drugs and alcohol

  • constant fear-mongering

  • moral relativism as the new religion

… and I could go on and on, about how humanity has been influenced and forced to move away from all the things that give us strength, security, purpose, and meaning.

A weak, immoral, disconnected, ignorant, and unhealthy population is an easy target for the next stage, the creation of an entire generation of androgynous beings:

  • masculinity is under attack psychologically, culturally, and biologically

  • women are being replaced in sports, entertainment, and politics by men pretending to be women, and

  • children are being indoctrinated at school to think that “gender is a choice”

The Transgender movement is not a grassroots movement. It comes from the top. It has nothing to do with people’s freedom of expression, sexuality, or civil rights. It’s an evil psyop with a clear agenda to get us closer to Transhumanism, by making us question the most fundamental notion of human identity: our gender.

If you don’t know who you are, if you already identify as a hybrid between a man and a woman, you will be easily convinced to become a hybrid between human and machine.

Gender ideology is the “2 plus 2 equals 5” from George Orwell’s 1984 dystopian novel.

It’s the final test to see whether we will follow the most absurd party line towards our own extinction. But 2 plus 2 equals 4... and no matter how you choose to dress, call yourself, or change your physique, we’ll not change that.

The sad reality, though, is that in the gaslighting process to get us closer to a post-human future, they have mentally and physically harmed an increasing number of children and young people. And it’s only getting worse.

This must be stopped.

Understanding the philosophy and the ideology behind the Transhumanist movement is crucial if we’re going to make the right choices as a species. Transhumanism stands on the premise that there is no God, that there is no spiritual realm, and that we possess no soul.

Does anybody feel like a soulless being in this room? It is the most materialistic and Darwinian understanding of who we are, and in my opinion, it is the most reductionist and frankly insulting notion of Humanity.

For decades, we have been prepped and groomed to accept the notion that without technological enhancements we will not survive the future, but instead become obsolete. Yuval Noah Harari is doing a marvelous job at convincing everyone that we will become what he calls “the useless class”, in the face of a world driven by AI; that we are simple “hackable animals,” restricted by our own biology.

But the truth, however, is very, very different.

They don’t want to alter us because we are flawed, weak, and limited… they want to alter us because we are none of those things, and it’s increasingly difficult to control the billions of resourceful, resilient, and creative humans that we are.

There is a reason why it’s called “artificial” intelligence. And that’s because it is.. artificial. It’s not real intelligence. Real intelligence necessitates of Consciousness, something that machines will never possess.

And in any case, who said we wanted to merge with machines?!

Why should we allow some megalomaniac nerds and their Big Tech billionaire friends dictate our future?!

I think most people just want to be able to live a peaceful life in a healthy environment, where they can pursue their dreams.

Technology must be at our service, not to replace us. Or destroy us.

Give us free energy!.. and the world will transform instantly.

Give us nutritious food, clean air, and water!.. and disease will be eradicated.

Allow us to live in a humane system, instead of a free-range tax farm!.. and you will see how depression, anxiety, and stress dissipate.

Let’s use technology to make our lives more humane, not to make humans a thing of the past.

The things we value most are those things that cannot be replicated by machines: empathy, compassion, courage, intuition, imagination, passion, love.. all of the things that make us unique.

We are the most sophisticated beings on this planet, and possibly the universe – for all we know. Our body is a Universe in itself, one that we still have not yet fully discovered; and our brains are the most complex cognitive piece of biological machinery in the world.

Just to give a sense of our brain power, in 2013, joined-teams of researchers from Japan and Germany got together to simulate a single second of human brain activity. They created an artificial neural network of 1.73 billion nerve cells, connected by 10.4 trillion synapses. Sounds very impressive, but actually it's only a fraction of every human being's nerve cells. Scientists believe we all carry between 80 and a hundred billion nerve cells, or about as many stars in the Milky Way.

The researchers were actually not able to simulate the human’s brain activity in real-time, and it took 40 minutes with a combined muscle of 82.944 processes, to get just 1 second of biological brain processing time.

But they want to make you think you’re “useless.”

They don’t want to make you better.

They don’t want to make you a super-human.

The endgame is to make you a totally controllable piece of machinery.

Another thing, in the “Internet of the Things.

As Klaus Schwab has said on numerous occasions, “… the Fourth Industrial Revolution will not change the world, it will change you.

They will entice you with promises of immortality.

But it’s digital immortality.

They will try to convince you of a life without disease and suffering.

But by disconnecting you from the Natural web of life and connecting you to the grid.

And they will speak of becoming Gods: “hom*o Deus” – in the words of Mr. Harari.

Well, we once took a bite of that apple, and we fell.

And we’ve been falling ever since.

But I think we now have a chance to redeem ourselves. We now have a chance to change our ways, to understand our foolishness, to see where we went wrong. A chance to walk in the right direction: with appreciation, humility, with courage, with truth, with faith, and with love.

Let’s not take this chance to transform ourselves to something different… but to become the best version of ourselves.

We are not here to become God.

We are here for God to experience life through us.

Thank you.

Legacy media despises those with cogent thinking abilities. Because we have a clear mind, we can see through the gaslighting. Thus, the “truth police” attack the truth. Wikipedia exemplifies this police force through political projection on various topics.1 Here is the Wiki sandwich smear targeting the group that sponsored Aboli’s speech, the World Council for Health:2

The World Council for Health is a pseudo-medical organisation dedicated to spreading misinformation to discourage COVID-19 vaccination, and promoting fake COVID-19 treatments. … The organization’s online appearance is that of a mainstream health organization. It appears to have been formed in September 2021 and its published leadership contains people which an Australian Associated Press fact check described as “figures who have promoted unfounded conspiracy theories.” The group was founded by Jennifer A. Hibberd and Tess Lawrie, an obstetrician and founder of the “BIRD Group,” which erroneously promotes ivermectin as a COVID-19 treatment. … The World Council for Health is affiliated with Children’s Health Defense, an antivaccine association led by Robert F. Kennedy Jr..

The propaganda spouted by Wiki and its partner, legacy media, has no bounds. This cartel creates an alternative reality. It receives unlimited funding. The funding comes from the government-pharmaceutical industrial complex. We get gaslighted despite massive amounts of information confirming our suspicions. With information hidden in plain sight, the people who perpetrated the most ghastly scam in history (COVID) have no shame. Those who enforced the COVID lockdowns are as guilty for going along with the charade. But the COVID plan ushered in something much more significant. It is no coincidence we are now witnessing the post-COVID explosion of the “trans” narrative.

Like Pavlov’s Dogs, the people with cognitive reality broken by the psyops bark the collectivist call. They project, without thought, terrible epitaphs to squelch free speech. For example, Nazis, potential right-wing terrorists, MAGA, and fascists (juvenile-like use, that is), to name a few. The facts counter the ability of these psyops robots to engage in dialog. Thus, these knee-jerk words are the only weapon at their disposal. This behavior aligns with Make America Communist Altogether (MACA).

These Pavlovian subjects have the backing of government-private partnerships. Such fuzzy-fiery friendships are the real meaning of fascism. The government uses “intelligence” from the Southern Poverty Law Center. Gaslighters manipulate people who believe SPLC-like narratives into supporting genital mutilation of children. These nefarious influencers work hard to rope younger people into trans psychosis. Moreover, they experience a euphoric-like mental state while doing so.

Meanwhile, these same Pavlovians say it is dangerous to assist people who ask for help to reverse course. The putrid perverts want us to believe they are in charge. They are gravely mistaken.

Laura Aboli, in Transhumanism - The End Game, informs us that the above-described people are the chess pieces of a game. It is a grand plan to mold society into a dystopian transhuman machine. It is an evil uber-dystopian plan of innumerable people of twisted logic who think they know better than the rest of us. These Marxist perverts of humanity need a dose of their own not-so-tasty medicine; the caustic cancel court.


Laura Aboli offers a critical perspective on Transhumanism. It emphasizes concerns about its potential consequences on humanity. She differentiates between technologies for disabled people and those for all humankind. Aboli’s focus is on Singularity, a dystopian concept. The concept refers to the disappearance of the boundary between humans and machines.

Aboli argues that the ultimate goal of Transhumanism is to eradicate humanity as we know it, leading to a post-human future. Societal changes inculcate a deliberate effort to destroy the nuclear family. These changes also promote gender ideology. This effort aims to condition humanity for acceptance of a dystopian reality. A weak, demoralized, disconnected population becomes susceptible to creating androgynous beings. This is a crucial step towards Transhumanism.

The critique encompasses Transhumanism’s ideological underpinnings. Transhumanism rejects God, spirituality, and the soul. Humans are being taught that survival requires technological advancements. Aboli presents this movement as an attempt to control a creative and resourceful human population.

Aboli advocates for a different approach to technology that serves humanity rather than replaces it. She emphasizes the importance of human qualities. These qualities include empathy, compassion, courage, intuition, imagination, passion, and love. They set us apart from machines. Aboli rejects the idea of merging with machines and emphasizes the need for technology to enhance human life rather than diminish it.

Finally, the Aboli advises against promises of immortality and a life without suffering. She warns that such visions may result in digital immortality and disconnect from the natural web of life. The conclusion advises us to reassess our path and embrace specific values. These values include appreciation, humility, courage, truth, faith, and love. Aboli motivates us to better ourselves. She discourages seeking god-like status through technology. 📕

For Italian aficionados, here is Daniela Brassi’s reading of the transcript from Transhumanism - The End Game:



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A person with negative traits, beliefs, or behaviors can project them onto someone else. Political projection refers to a psychological phenomenon. It is a defense mechanism that helps people avoid confronting their own flaws and insecurities. Political projection is a common tactic in politics. It aims to discredit opponents and shift blame away from oneself.


People use the “sandwich smear” or “wrap-up smear” to discredit opponents and shift blame away from themselves. The wrap-up smear is a tactic that involves spreading false or misleading information about an opponent. The media is then used to report on the smear campaign as if it were true. This creates a cycle of misinformation that can be difficult to break and can damage the reputation of the targeted individual or group.

Transhumanism - The End Game (2024)


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