334 public officials in 5 swing states have undermined or cast doubt on elections: study (2024)

Hundreds of public officials in five key swing states have denied election outcomes, tried to overturn an election or made statements to undermine an election, a new study says.

The study identified 334 of these public officials in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina and Wisconsin running the gamut from a state's second-highest elected official to local boards that certify election results. Those closely divided states are likely to decide the 2024 presidential election.

The study by Public Wise, a left-leaning nonprofit group that advocates for representative democracy, is the most comprehensive study to date of state and local public officials who have power over elections but whose commitment to election fairness has been questioned.

Most officials Public Wise identified are state lawmakers, and many signed on to letters asking various state and federal officials to stand in the way of Joe Biden’s 2020 victory. Others include elected county commissioners, elected county sheriffs, elected town officials, and people appointed to run day-to-day election administration or perform routine signoffs on vote certification.

Christina Baal, executive director of Public Wise, said the organization is "sounding the alarm" on what could happen this year based on what these people have said and done in the past.

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“We believe that these folks are going to try to ... deny election results that are validly held,” Baal said. “And I wouldn’t be surprised if we saw that when we’re looking at the presidential election or even local elections."

The names include:

  • Georgia Lt. Gov Burt Jones, a Republican, a Trump fake elector who is being investigated for his role in helping Trump try to overturn the 2020 election in Fulton County.
  • Don Millis and Robert F. Spindell, Republican members of the Wisconsin Elections Commission, the statewide entity that certifies elections. Millis evaded a question about whether Biden won the state in 2020. Spindell served as a fake elector.
  • Bob Bartelsmeyer, elections director in La Paz County, Arizona, who shared false information about the 2020 election on social media and said something was off about that election.
  • Robert Boyd, a Republican on the four-member local board responsible for certifying election in Wayne County, Michigan, which includes Detroit. Boyd said he wouldn't have voted to certify the 2020 presidential results.
  • Mary Potter Summa and Elizabeth McDowell, board member and secretary of the board of elections in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, which includes Charlotte. The two Republicans have voted against certifying results of elections.

USA TODAY reached out to all of the officials named above but did not receive any responses. Several of the officials have defended their positions in interviews with other news outlets.

334 public officials in 5 swing states have undermined or cast doubt on elections: study (1)

Officials say they're for election integrity

Spindell told the Associated Press last year, "The last thing I want to do is suppress votes."

Bartelsmeyer qualified his stance in January in an interview with CNN when he said, “Sometimes it’s hard for me to accept that there wasn’t some errors made in the election, but I’m not sure that it was to the extent that it would have changed the election.”

The Republican Party in Mecklenburg County says, "Election integrity is a cornerstone of any democratic system" that "ensures that the people's will is accurately reflected in the outcome of elections."

Before qualifying someone as an election denier or an election threat, Public Wise said it looked for advocacy to undermine an election, such as sending letter calling for a national election audit, or co-sponsoring a resolution to decertify legitimate electors in 2020. They also looked at support for the Jan. 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol and public posts that implied they denied the results of elections in 2020 or 2022.

The group says the people on the list risk enacting laws that “can undermine fair voting processes” may “endorse appointees that erode election integrity,” misuse their law enforcement authority, or "interfere illegally in elections," among other things.

Other studies have named people potential threats to elections, but none have listed so many people in battleground states. A study from two branches of the University of California in 2023 called 229 people across 40 states “election deniers.” A dark money group called States United Action, which runs ElectionDeniers.org, identified 179 state and local candidates in 47 states.

“It is a very organized movement that is taking over these small, lesser-known offices,” Baal said. “Some of them are running in low-turnout elections. Some of them run unopposed. Some of them are appointed. And this is how they’re gaining power.”

334 public officials in 5 swing states have undermined or cast doubt on elections: study (2024)


How many swing states are there in the USA? ›

Areas considered battlegrounds in the 2020 election were Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Maine's 2nd congressional district, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska's 2nd congressional district, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas and Wisconsin, with Florida, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and ...

Is Virginia a swing state? ›

Of these swing states, the Hillary Clinton won Colorado, Nevada, New Hampshire and Virginia, for a total of 32 electoral college votes.

Is Illinois a swing state? ›

The US state of Illinois is a Democratic stronghold and one of the "big three" Democratic states alongside California and New York. It is considered one of the most Democratic states in the nation and following the 2018 elections, all six statewide elected offices are held by a Democrat.

Is Wisconsin a swing state? ›

In early May, polling from The Cook Political Report, GS Strategy Group and BSG showed that Trump and Biden were tied (45%-45%) in a head-to-head matchup in Wisconsin. It was the only swing state covered in the poll where Trump was not leading.

What states are considered Democrats? ›

As of 2024, a plurality of voters in California, Nevada, New Mexico, Louisiana, Delaware, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and Maine are Democratic, while a majority of voters in Maryland and Washington DC are Democratic.

How is the number of electors per state determined? ›

The formula for determining the number of votes for each state is simple: each state gets two votes for its two US Senators, and then one more additional vote for each member it has in the House of Representatives.

Is New Jersey a swing state? ›

Traditionally not a swing state, it has voted Democratic in recent decades, as George H. W.

Was Massachusetts ever a swing state? ›

From 1928 up until the 1960s, it was considered a Democratic-leaning swing state.

Is South Carolina red or blue? ›

South Carolina was one of only six states to vote for Barry Goldwater in 1964 and has voted Republican since, except in 1976 when it voted for fellow southerner Jimmy Carter. In 2020, Donald Trump defeated Joe Biden by 55% to 43%.

Is Missouri red or blue? ›

Missouri was historically viewed as a bellwether state, but the consecutive votes against the winning candidate in 2008 and 2012 introduced doubts about its continued status as a bellwether, and an 18.5-point Republican victory in 2016 indicated that it had become a safe red state. Winners of the state are in bold.

Is Indiana a conservative state? ›

Indiana has long been considered to be a Republican stronghold and is rated R+11 on the Cook Partisan Voting Index.

Is Wisconsin a red state? ›

Since 1988, Wisconsin has leaned towards the Democratic Party in presidential elections, although Republican Donald Trump won the state by a margin of 0.77 percentage points.

Is Minnesota red or blue? ›

Historically, the state was a Republican stronghold, never voting Democratic from statehood until 1932, however, since then it has voted Democratic all but thrice- 1952, 1956, and 1972.

Is Wisconsin run by Republicans? ›

The Democratic Party controls the offices of governor, secretary of state, and attorney general. The Republican Party controls both chambers of the state legislature. As of June 11, 2024, there are 23 Republican trifectas, 17 Democratic trifectas, and 10 divided governments where neither party holds trifecta control.

Is Wisconsin a good place to live? ›

The ideal location – Enjoy the shores of two of the Great Lakes, a stable climate, and easy access to Chicago and Minneapolis (by car, train, and plane). Nationally ranked health care – Access superior medical care from top-ranking hospitals. Our health care quality even ranks in the top ten.

What are the blue states in the United states? ›

That same year, a color supplement included with a July issue of The Washington Post used red for Republican-favoring states, blue for Democratic-favoring states, yellow for "doubtful" states and green for territories that did not have a presidential vote.

Is Virginia a red or blue state? ›

Since 2008, Virginia has voted for Democrats in presidential elections, including Barack Obama; in 2016, Virginia was the only former Confederate state to vote for Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump. Regional differences play a large part in Virginia politics.

How many electoral votes does Colorado have? ›

Current allocations
Alabama - 9 votesKentucky - 8 votesNorth Dakota - 3 votes
Arizona - 11 votesMaine - 4 votesOklahoma - 7 votes
Arkansas - 6 votesMaryland - 10 votesOregon - 8 votes
California - 54 votesMassachusetts - 11 votesPennsylvania - 19 votes
Colorado - 10 votesMichigan - 15 votesRhode Island - 4 votes
12 more rows
Jun 26, 2023

Why did the framers create the electoral college? ›

The Founding Fathers established the Electoral College in the Constitution, in part, as a compromise between the election of the President by a vote in Congress and election of the President by a popular vote of qualified citizens.


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