French I (2014 - 2015) (2024)

French I (helpful hints)

Spend some time each day studying vocabulary. Vocabulary quizzes will be unannounced. Studying every day rather than only studying when you know that you have a quiz will help you retain the information in long-term memory. We will have 1 - 2 unnanounced vocabulary quizzes per week. Quizzesare worth 20% of the total grade.

Homework assignments are to reinforce what we have done in class. Do homework according to instructions and if you have a question, refer to classmates who are on your buddy list (from the class policies and syllabus). We will have 2 - 3 homework assignments per week. Homework/Class work is worth 10% of the total grade.

Class participation:
Class participation is evaluated weekly. EVERY student has the ability to earn 100% in class participation. Class participation is worth 15% of the student's grade. It is evaluated according to a rubric.

Major tests:
Major tests will be announced at least one week in advance. Students will know the material and exact format of the test. Major tests are worth 30% of the student'sgrade.

Midterm is worth 5% of the student's grade. Midterm is scheduled for Wednesday, October 6.

Performance exam (written):
The written portion of the performance exam is worth 5% of the student's grade.

Performance exam (oral):
The oral portion of the performance exam is worth 5% of the student's grade.

Final Exam (comprehensive):
The final comprehensive exam is worth 10% of the student's grade. This exam will be listening, reading and grammar/vocabulary in context.


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Final exam week
Students received a study guide which is directly related to the final exam. For success on final exam, students will need to study this diligently along with their textbook as a reference. For help, Ms. Singleton will be available during the second half of the day after final exams. For other times, please see her individually. She will only be available if an appointment is made. Please come to the help session with specific questions based onwork using the study guide and textbook.
Bonne Chance!
Mme LeClair-Ash & Ms. Singleton

Back by popular demand (especially by a few students in 7th period :-), here are two new uploads of French music videos. The male singer is Jean-Baptiste Maunier and the female singer isClémence Saint-Preux. Enjoy!!!

May 2 - 6
Monday, May 2:
Review colors and learn how to make them agree with nouns and subjects.

Daily Assignments

April 25 - 29
Monday, April 25:
Read and study page 164 and the orange section on page 165. Do exercises 1, 2, 3 and 4. Write everything out. Hand in when finished.

Tuesday, April 26:
Read and study page 166 and 167. Do exercises 5, 6 and 7.

Wednesday, April 27:
Individually, create a visual of aman and a woman. These couples can be real (as in actors and actresses) or they can be pretend.Using adjectives studied,write descriptions of the man and woman next to their images. There should be 5 sentences describing the man and 5 sentences describing the woman. Only use what you have been taught.

This will be graded in the following way:
· Used color to illustrate couple.
· Used various adjectives in complete sentences to correctly describe the man and woman.
· Used five sentences to describe the man and five sentences to describe the woman.
· Writing is neat and legible.

Thursday, April 28 & Friday, April 29:

  • Study page 168 and do ex. 9.
  • Also, do page 170, ex. 1 and write out the entire dialogue.
  • On page 172, read the dialogue “La voiture de Roger” and answer the questions at the bottom of the page.
  • Then, read “note culturelle” about French cars on page 173. There are YouTube videos (above) to watch.
  • On Friday, students correct work andturn in their visual.
New song “Mon Ange” (my angel) by Nolwenn LeroyApril 18 - 22
This week, I have begun an early maternity leave. I'm so sorry to leave so abruptly!

Each day this week, students have hadwork to do with a substitute teacher. In case you were absent,you will find the work that was assigned below. Any book workthat you missed is due on Friday. Powerpoint presentations were due to me by email on Tuesday. Anyone who emailed a Powerpoint presentation receiveda reply from me. So, if you did not receive a reply, that means that I did not receive it. If you have any questions about your grade or you just want to say "bonjour", feel free to email me at [emailprotected].

Monday, April 18:
  1. On page 152, do ex. 3.
  2. Read and study page 153.
  3. On page 154, do exercises 4 & 5.
  4. We will be studying regular –ir verbs soon. This is not something that is introduced for a while in the textbook but we will need to learn it sooner. Go to page 278 in the textbook and study the format of the regular –ir verb “finir”. Then, study a few additional –ir verbs in the orange box. On your own, conjugate “choisir” and “grossir”.

Tuesday, April 19:
  1. Study page 154 & 155, do exercise 6.
  2. Study page 156, do exercise 10.
  3. Study the orange section on page 157, do ex. 12.
  4. Practice more regular –ir verbs on page 278 in the textbook. This time, practice conjugations of “maigrir” and “réussir”. Conjugate each verb on the same sheet with the above exercises.

Wednesday, April 20:
  1. Review regular –ir verbs on p. 278. Then, close the textbook and do a practice quiz on 2 regular –ir verbs. These verbs are “finir” and “choisir”. When everyone is finished, check your own answers:

Finir = to finish
Je finis nous finissons
Tu finis vous finissez
Il finit ils finissent

Choisir = to choose
Je choisis nous choisissons
Tu choisis vous choisissez
Il choisit ils choisissent

*When finished with the practice quiz, continue with the following exercises (on same sheet of paper)
  1. Read and study page 158, do exercises 13 & 14.
  2. Read and study page 159, do exercises 15 & 16.

Thursday, April 21:
  1. Review regular –ir verbs on p. 278. Then, close the textbook and do a practice quiz on 2 different regular –ir verbs. These verbs are “grossir” and “maigrir”. When everyone is finished, check your own answers:
grossir = to gain weigh/get fat
Je grossis nous grossissons
Tu grossis vous grossissez
Il grossit ils grossissent

maigrir = to lose weight, get thin
Je maigris nous maigrissons
Tu maigris vous maigrissez
Il maigrit ils maigrissent

*When finished with the practice quiz, continue with the following exercises (on same sheet of paper)

  1. Do ex. 1 page 160. Write out everything rather than jotting down numbers and corresponding letters.
  2. Do ex. 4, page 160.
  3. Read page 162 and answer the questions at the bottom of page 162.
  4. With a partner, read “note culturelle” on page 163 and answer the questions at the bottom of the page. Each person is to write a little about similarities and differences and then rank the values in order after discussing with a partner.

Friday, April 22:
Anything that you missed due to absence or not finishng by the bell is due today at the beginning of class!

April 11 - 15
Welcome back from spring break! On Monday and Tuesday, students will be presenting their powerpoints and "products". On Wednesday and Thursday, we will do test review and work on reading and writing skills. On Friday, there is a test.

March 28 - April 1
This week, we will have some computer lab time to work on culture projects. On my website, go to "French computer lab work" and scroll down to the bottom. There, you will find rubrics for the Powerpoint part of the project and you will also find rubrics for the "product" part of the project. If you are doing a project other than food, you will have to create your own rubric and have my approval before you proceed with your project. Please double check the sign-upsheet in class for your presentationdates.

We are not having any major assignments, tests or quizzes between Monday and Thursday due to Junior testing. On Friday, we will have a quiz over vocabulary and prepositions.

March 21 - 25
Students are learning new vocabulary and adjectivesin unit 4. We are also reviewing "avoir" (to have). They have spent some class time working on dialogues and will create an online comic strip in the computer lab on Wednesday. This will count as two homework grades. On Thursday, students will have a quiz on the conjugations of avoir.

March 14 - 18
We are learning more adjectives, objects and also some prepositions this week. Students are signing up for their culture projects which will be due before and after Spring Break.

March 7 - 10
*Friday is a student holiday/teacher workday
For Monday, students will have a quiz on the verb "aller". Also, page 131 "comparison culturelle" is due. Tuesday, students will go to the computer lab to research their culture projects. Wednesday is the midterm. On the midterm, there will be reading comprehension, verbs, culture and writing.February 28 - March 4
There is a quiz on question words on Tuesday. Students will work on writing toward the end of the week to prepare forthe midterm exam. The midterm is on Wednesday, March 9.

Week of February 21
Due to my absences from last Wed. - Friday, the test was postponed to this Wednesday. We will be continuing with verbs and verb + infinitive constructions in the negative. We will also add expressions with the verb "faire" this week.

Week of February 14
This week, we are studying negative constructions in sentences with one verb as well as with two verbs. We will also learn the irregular verb "faire" with a few common expressions. Students have a reading comprehension story with about 500 words. There will be a test on Friday. Students will be tested on reading, vocabulary, verbs, forming questions as well as logical responses in the affirmative and negative.

Week of February 7
This week, we are working with more verb conjugations. Students will have 3 - 4 evaluated assignments. This will include homework, classwork and quizzes.

Week of January 31
Students will be doing a lot of reading and some writing this week. We will have a quiz on Wednesday. Students are currently working on forming questions using intonation, inversion, est-ce que and tags. There will be a quiz on this on Monday 2/7 and a test later in the week.

Week of January 24
This week, students will be taking several informal assessments (some graded and some for practice). These assessments will be over conjugations of the verb être, subject pronouns, and high frequency words. Students should expect to take a test toward the end of next week. We will also go in the computer lab to start researching for this semester's culture projects. The culture project will count as one test grade.

Jan. 18
Hope you all enjoyed your snow days :-)
Students can turn in the picture sequence no later than tomorrow (Jan. 19). Also, page 76, ex. 3 is due tomorrow. Questions 2 -5 should be answered affirmatively and questions 6 - 9 should be answered negatively.

Jan. 5, 6, 7
This week, we reviewed regular -er verbs and but then in complete sentences where we practiced with speaking and writing. For Monday, students have an assignment to tell a story entirely in French using a picture sequence that they created in class. They cannot use any written words to refer to. For students to receive credit, a parent must sign and student must return on Monday. Bon weekend!

Final Exam Week (Dec. 13 - 17)

Joyeux Noël et Joyeuses Fêtes!
(Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!)
Final Exams begin on Tuesday, Dec. 14. For the French I final exam, students are to study:
the first two units of the textbook, homework, quizzes, handouts. We have taken and will take some more time in class on Monday torefer to previous tests. When studying the textbook, concentrate on the vocabulary, grammar and culture. We will do some practice questions on Monday. This is not review. This is just to familiarize you with the format of the test. The majority of your final exam study should take place this weekend!
Bonne chance!

Week of December 6

We are finishing speaking performance exams. On Tuesday, we will have our writing performance exam. Students should study the writing guide that we discussed in class last week. We are also studying body parts. Students wil begin studying several regular -er verbs on Wednesday. Any student who has a culture project to do MUST finish it this week. Food projects are planned for Monday, December 6. Students who have not turned in a rubric or writing with their culture project will either earn a lower grade on their project or have a delay in it being posted to Powerschool.

Thanksgiving Break

Signed picture sequence is due on Monday. Any students who still have to complete the culture project will need to finish iton orbefore Wednesday, December 1. Also, some students have not turned in rubrics and/or summaries for their culture projects. Grades will go into the computer when all parts of the project are turned in. Speaking performance exams will begin on Wednesday, December 1. Speaking performance exams are 5% of each student's grade. The following week, we will have the writing performance exam, which will contribute to 5% of each student's grade.

Wednesday, November 17

The unit test will be on Friday. We are currently working on speaking and writing with the unit 2 and other review vocabulary. We are also working ahead with material in further chapters.

Friday, November 12

The last groups to present food projects will be on Monday and Tuesday. Students who are doing a culture project other than food can have more time but will need to communicate that to me. We will have a test on Unit 2 along with culture on Thursday.

Thursday, November 4

We are almost finished with unit 2. Upon completion with some review, students will take a test. This will be at the end of next week or beginning of the following week. Homework for Friday is textbook page 59, ex. 6.

Students are starting food and culture presentations on Monday. This will count as a test grade.

Wednesday, October 27

Students will take a test on Friday over all vocabulary and short phrases learned this year. They should study their textbook, notes and quizzes taken.

Monday, October 25

Homework for tomorrow is on page 51. Students are to do exercises 3 and 4. Students signed up for days to present their cultural projects. These dates will be Monday, Nov. 8, Tuesday, Nov. 9, Monday, Nov. 15, Tuesday, Nov. 16. This will be easier for students who are preparing recipes for their culture project. French classes also watched a video about a popular French pastry shop in Atlanta, called "La Douceur de France". There will be a matching vocabulary test at the end of this week on all vocabulary learned thus far.

Wednesday, October 20

We are learning drink vocabulary and learning how to express thirst and drink preferences. Students will have a quiz over the drink vocabulary on Friday.

Tuesday, October 12

We continued with food. Homework for Thursday is to do pages 46 and 47, exercizes 2 and 4. Writing everything out. Tomorrow, not all French I classes will meet due to the PSAT. Other classes will meet for part of the periods.

Friday, October 8

Midterms are being graded over the weekend and will be entered into Powerschool.

Thursday,October 7

Students went to the computer lab to research for their culture projects.On Tuesday, students will need to give me their ideas for their cultural project. See bottom left column of this page for link to the culture project description. This project will be counted as a test grade !

Friday, October 1

MIdterm for French is on Wednesday. Any information studied thusfar may be on the midterm. Study culture (William the conqueror, the Euro) and all of unit 1 in the textbook. Also study lesson 1 of unit 2. We will also study some numbers greater than 100, which will be on the midterm. For homework due on Monday, students are to sketch out a family (real or pretend) and write a small description of each person. The family must include: yourself, a brother, sister, mother, father, grandma, grandpa, aunt, uncle, boy cousin, girl cousin and dog or cat. You must use "ma" or "mon" in your description (such as "C'est mon oncle") and use nationality, age, name and if the person is a man or woman or girl or boy. Use the example that was shown on the board today. This homework will be helpful for the writing section of the midterm. The homework is due on Monday.

Wednesday, September 29

We reviewed for the test, read a short story and watched a short videoclip about the city "Saint-Malo". Test is tomorrow.

Friday, September 24

Students took a vocabulary quiz and handed in participation rubrics. We continued to use questions and answers regarding age. We began discussion of the test for Wednesday over unit 1. For this weekend, students should review for the test by studying pages 1 - 38 in the texbook and paying close attention to the cultural sections of "notes culturelles" and "petit* commentaires". We will study "version 1" of the test on Monday and students will take "version 2" on Wednesday.

Thursday, September 23

We discussed homework and students turned in for a grade. We reviewed conjugations of "avoir" (to have) and began talking about how to express age. We reviewed numbers 80 - 100.

Wednesday, September 22

Students used possessive adjectives(mon, ma) which mean "my" to describemembers of the family.Students also learned "ton" and "ta"which mean "your". We watched and listened to two popular children's songs: Meunier, tu dors as well as Frere Jacques. Homework for tomorrowis exercize 1 on page 36 in the textbook.

Tuesday, September 21

Reviewed greetings, colors and the verbs "etre" and "avoir".
Took cultural quiz over the currency of the European Union (the Euro). Students reviewed members of the family and added "la tante", "l'oncle", "le cousin" and "la cousine" and we used vocabulary to create full sentences about the family tree. We watched and listened to a videoclip by the singer bring Senegal named Ismael Lo. The song was "L'amour a tous les droits".

Monday, September 20

Reviewed days of the week. New vocabulary words were "le frere" and "la soeur" as well as the verb "aimer" which means to like or to love. We did question and answer using family vocabulary. Quiz is postponed to tomorrow.

Friday, September 17

We continued discussion in French using members of the family. Students turned in class participation rubrics. Homework for Monday is to read the handout on the Euro, which is the currency of the European Union. On Monday, there will be a quiz. Students should be able to explain the bold sections of the handout in one to two sentences. There will not be any dates or numbers on the quiz. Grades are updated in Powerschool.

Thursday, September 16

Students reviewed: days of the week,numbers and vocabulary. We watched and listened to the music video "Santiano from Star Academy". We briefly discussed French maritime history and folklore.

We did question and answer using "Tu as...?" which means "Do you have...?" and "J'ai...." which means "I have..." with the words for grandmother and grandfather. We will add more vocabulary for family tomorrow. Participation rubrics are due tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 15

Students took a pop vocabulary quiz today. Vocabulary quizzes will always be unannounced. Students must study vocabulary every day. We continued with vocabulary and reinforcement for members of the family.

Tuesday, September 14

We reviewed numbers and played bingo for prizes (stickers and bookmarks) with numbers 60 - 79. We also reviewed vocabulary and began learning vocabulary for members of the family.

Monday, September 13

Today, we worked with numbers 70 - 100. We also discussed Quebec and how the French settlers in Louisiana are descendants from the French who lived in Eastern Canada. Wereviewed and discussed our participation grades and how participation and asking when you don't understand helps the brain acquire language in a communicative way (ie, speaking, reading, writing and listening as opposed to filling out work sheets).

Friday, September 10

We reinforced new expressions and added a few more. We also did a 5 minute free-write. Homework for Monday is textbook page 32, ex. 3 (we did not get to this in 6th period). Students also handed in the completed participation rubric. Grades are updated in Powerschool. A few papers were turned in with no names, so some students' grades appear as "m".

Thursday, September 9

New expressions:
Tu connais...?
Il est
Elle est
Comment s'appelle-t-il?
Il s'appelle
Comment s'appelle-t-elle?
Elle s'appelle

Today, we reinforced this new vocabulary by using it to speak in French for most of the class period. I was very happy with students' class participation! We also used visuals of classmates, the French president (Nicolas Sarkozy) and Napoleon.

We also reviewed numbers 1 - 60 and played bingo.

Our first "TEST" will be next week (mid tolate week).

Wednesday, September 8

Vocabulary quiz in class today. We arranged "clock partners" and reviewed numbers 1 - 59. We also reviewed days of the week and discussed how to say the date.

Tuesday, September 7

Homework due on Tuesday: In the textbook, complete exercize 3 on page 28. Write out sentences completely. Study vocabulary lists. On Tuesday in class, we spoke a lot of French in full sentences. We added "un homme = a man" and "une femme = a woman" to our vocabulary lists. Continue to study vocabulary. There is no homework for tomorrow.

Check Powerschool during the weekend since I will be updating grades.


French I (2014 - 2015) (2024)


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Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

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Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.